
Today, my little boy turned two years old! Wow. I can't really believe that it's been two years since our lives changed forever with Wally's peaceful birth. I'm sure everyone reading this can relate!!

It's almost difficult to remember who I used to be before I was a mama. I have changed so incredibly much in the past two years. I've become much more crunchy, that's for certain. I'm more motivated to make healthy choices for my family. I have so little time to do things that are just for me. I also have more struggles with controlling my moods and emotions under the stress and almost constant tiredness that seem to accompany motherhood. I'm growing, changing, and – hopefully – maturing right along with my little man.

At any rate. We had a nice get-together with mostly family. Seven children, all told. It was pretty crazy, but Wally held up well. We mostly let him wander and do whatever he wanted. He opened some presents because they struck his fancy, then the gift opening ground to a halt when he decided to have some more to eat. Hey, opening presents is supposed to be fun, right? It's not fun if you're being forced to do it!

In other news…

  • I restocked both Large and Medium Pockets. The 16 mediums sold out within two days. I hope to be able to restock small and medium pockets before the end of the month, but I have a large stack of custom orders to complete first!
  • I have added more ring slings, including some made from solarveil, which is great for summer!
  • I have four colors of solarveil in stock, available for wraps, ring slings, or Asian carriers. White, Khaki, Blue, and Black. Just let me know if you want something from that fabric – and move quick before it's gone!!

Author: wallypop

I'm a Work At Home, Homeschooling, Special Needs Mom! I'm so blessed to be able to stay home with my kiddos and sew fun things like diapers, baby carriers, and special/medical needs goodies for my customers. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

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